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In The News

May 2019


As noted on the ASPCA website; "Dogs kept in commercial breeding facilities (also known as puppy mills) suffer treatment that would be unthinkable for your family pet—but much of it is perfectly legal. These dogs often have little or no access to adequate veterinary care, food, water, regular exercise or socialization."  For more information on this important issue, read in its entirety at


And don't forget... Today is National Dog Rescue Day.  Please open your hearts, and help save a life today:)




May 2017


OMG... I can't believe that there are  people out there, who actually pretend to be handicapped, just so they can pawn their dogs off as Service Dogs; so the dogs can accompany them to restaurants and other public places where dogs are not allowed, unless they are Service Dogs.   There are no words to properly describe these people. What they're doing is horrendous, unconscionable, and the ultimate disrespect for those people who legitimately need Service Dogs.   


I can go on and on about how wrong this is, but I would need hundreds of pages... and then some.

Please check out my blog post on this topic. 

Thank you.








August 1st is the Universal Birthday for shelter dogs.  PLEASE ADOPT.


The third Saturday in August is Worldwide Homeless Animals day.  PLEASE ADOPT.


August 26th is National Dog Day.  PLEASE ADOPT.


August 28th is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.  PLEASE ADOPT, and replace the pain and sorrow of your lost "baby", with the happiness and joy of a new four legged family member :)






Generally Speaking


Vet Costs can run into the thousands, depending on what care your pet needs at any particular time.  The following is a general list of what to expect as posted on the Petmd website...


"It’s a never-ending refrain, “Why does veterinary care cost so much?”


I get it. I’m not just a veterinarian but also an animal owner. Sure, I can take care of some of my own pets’ needs, but not all of them. Did I flinch at the $2,000 bill for treating my cat’s hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine? You bet I did, but I didn’t complain because I recognize what a bargain veterinary care usually is.


The best way to avoid sticker shock is being prepared, so let’s take a look at what’s involved in a veterinary visit and the typical costs that you should expect.


The first thing to understand is that geography plays a big role. Imagine the cost of running a veterinary practice in New York City versus West Podunk. Rent, salaries, property taxes, property insurance, etc. would all be much higher in NYC, and those costs simply have to be passed on to clients if a veterinary practice is to remain a going concern. The best we can do here is look at averages and acknowledge that a lot of variability exists.


A veterinary visit should always start with a complete health history, physical exam, and the acquisition of some basic data, like body weight, body temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate. The cost of all of this should be included in the office visit/physical exam charges. This is the absolute minimum you need to be willing to pay to see a veterinarian.


At this point, the doctor can provide you with an estimate for recommended diagnostic testing and/or treatment. This is when you can start talking about options. Very often, there are several ways to approach veterinary care. When appropriate, the doctor should be able to give you an idea of the risks, benefits, and costs associated with gold standard, moderate, and minimalist care.

The American Kennel Club reports these estimates for routine veterinary care during a puppy’s first year of life.


Annual Physical Exam    $58

Vaccinations    $268

Heartworm Test and Prevention    $127

Flea and Tick Prevention    $190

Fecal Exam    $60

Dental Cleaning    $125

Spay or Neuter    $175


Some of these expenses will recur approximately annually (e.g., physical exam, parasite testing/prevention, possibly a dental cleaning), others less frequently (some vaccinations). The costs associated with routine veterinary care for a cat would be similar if the cat goes outside and perhaps slightly lower for an indoor-only individual.


Remember, talk to your veterinarian if finances are tight. Depending on your pet’s circumstances, it might be possible to avoid certain expenses, at least for a while. For example, I live in a part of the country where heartworm disease is infrequently diagnosed. Although it is not ideal, if an owner had kept their dog on heartworm prevention per my recommendations over the past year and needed to cut somewhere, I’d be willing to postpone a heartworm test.


To ensure that you can always provide your pets with the veterinary care they need, either routinely set aside money in a special pet care savings account or purchase a reputable pet health insurance policy."


We, at For The Love Of Puppie recommend Healthy Paws Pet Insurance. It  is one of the best choices out there.  Click on the banner at the bottom of this page, and determine for yourself.  It will relieve you of financial burden, should an emergency arise.  It's always best to be prepared... I speak from experience.








May is National Service Dog Eye Exam Month.  The ADA (The Americans With Disabilities Act) states that a service dog is "trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability"... whether that disability be blindness, deafness, mental illness, PTSD, seizures, or any other disability that requires the use of a service dog.  


Without the proper care for the dog's health, including his eyes, it would be a challenge for him to continue with his duties in his role as service animal.  It is imperative that he be checked by his vet annually.  


The ACT also states that "entities must permit service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas where members of the public are allowed to go"... which makes it even more important that the service dog be kept healthy.


So, please, for the sake of the dog, the owner, and the public, have the dog's eyes examined annually, along with a complete physical by his vet.  Thank you.




April 2016


April is a month of awareness... first of all, it's pet first aid awareness month.  Would you know what to do for your pet in an emergency?  Are you prepared if a disaster should strike?  The Red Cross website has your answers.


Also, on April 23rd is Lost Dog Awareness Day, and on April 30th is Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.  Which brings me to...


The premiere of Second Chance Dogs on Animal Planet, this Saturday the 16th at 9:00 am.  It's brought to you by the wonderful ASPCA, and it's a documentary about their Behaviorial Rehabilitation Center which helps those dogs who were abused and abandoned before being brought to the ASPCA.  These poor dogs benefit from this Center because they suffer from fear and anxiety due to their previous life threatening experiences.  Through the program they learn to trust humans again, making them more adoptable, thereby giving them a better chance at actually finding a loving forever home.


Remember Saturday April 16th at 9:00 am on Animal Planet.  Please put it on your calendar and watch.  Thank you.  

Here's the trailer...




March 2016


Announcing the Top Pet Toxins of 2015 | ASPCA


March is National Animal Poison Prevention Month, and we’d like to kick it off by sharing our list of toxins most commonly ingested by pets—and reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC)—in 2015. The APCC has revealed that for the first time ever, over-the-counter medications and supplements surpassed prescription medications to take the top spot. Check out the full list below!

  1. Over-the-counter medications: These medications, including herbal and other natural supplements, attracted the most concern this year for the first time in the APCC’s history, with more than 28,500 cases reported. This category is exceptionally large, encompassing nearly 7,000 products.

  2. Human prescription medications: Prescribed human medications fell to the second spot on the list, representing nearly 16% of all cases. The types of medication to which animals were most often exposed correlate with the most popular medications prescribed to humans.

  3. Insecticides: Insect poisons accounted for nearly 9% of the calls to APCC (more than 15,000 cases). If label directions are not followed, these products can be very dangerous to pets.

  4. Human foods: Pets—especially dogs, who ingest human foods more often than cats—can get into serious trouble by ingesting onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, alcohol and xylitol. More than 14,600 APCC cases in 2015 involved human foods.

  5. Household items: Products found around the home made up more than 14,000 cases in 2015. The most common items for this category include cleaning products, fire logs and paint.

  6. Veterinary medications: Overdoses of medications prescribed by veterinarians represented more than 7% of total cases in 2015. Chewable medications are very appealing to pets, requiring extra caution.

  7. Chocolate: Chocolate continues be very problematic for pets, accounting for more than 7% of all APCC cases in 2015—averaging more than 30 cases a day. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it can be.

  8. Plants: Indoor and outdoor plants represented nearly 5% of the calls to the APCC in 2015. Most of these calls involve cats and houseplants. Be sure to understand the toxicity of plants before putting them in or around your house.

  9. Rodenticides: Rodent poisons can be just as toxic to pets as they are to the mice and rats these products are designed to kill. Last year, APCC handled more than 8,100 cases involving rodenticides.

  10. Lawn and garden products. These products, including herbicides and fungicides, round out the top ten, accounting for 3% of all APCC calls. It’s incredibly important to store lawn and garden products out of the reach of pets.

 (As reported by the ASPCA.  Reprinted with permission.)






February 2016


February  is National Spay/Neuter Month.  Many shelters around the nation offered these surgeries free, to those families  in need.


Indiana lawmakers passed the Spay/Neuter Bill in February; joining 33 other states that already require spay/neuter surgeries prior to adoption.


The benefits of spay/neuter for animals, far outweighs any minimal risks involved.  These surgeries reduce the risk of possible cancers; reduce the incidence of aggressive behavior in male dogs; and  help the overpopulation problem, thereby decreasing the number of homeless and euthanized animals.  


If you have a dog who hasn't yet been spay/neutered, please take the time to make an appointment with your vet today; or check with your local shelter for possible reduced rate surgery.  Thank you for being a responsible pet parent:)


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